Saturday, May 25, 2013

Religion, Angels... and China

This week’s visit to Umm Batin focused on religion, on both a global and personal level.  After discussing the world’s major religions (about which the students were surprisingly well-versed), we asked them to consider three questions:
     1. How do your beliefs affect your daily life? 
     2. Why are your beliefs important to you?
     3. What would your life look like without your religion? 
The following are some of the responses we got in return (posted with their permission, of course)…

“When I believe, I feel good because I know there is a God and he will help me when I need his help.  I believe religion is important because we all need something like God to believe in.”  ~ Razan, 16-years-old

“Religion affects my life – I wear traditional clothes.  Islam is a good religion.  We pray to God and the Prophet.  We must repeat the two.  I feel good in Islam, but some things I hate.  Religious men decide what the girls do instead of the girls.”  ~ Mona, 15-years-old

“Angels in China are very good and beautiful.”  ~ Noor, 14-years-old

“Someone asks me, what is your religion?  I say Islam.  What is it about?  It’s about everything in the world (people, angels…).  So it’s about people, what does that mean?  Yes, in my religion we believe that there are some people that do bad things in their life.  They can learn to change it, and in our religion we know that someday you are going to die and you are going to go to another world.  Also, I believe that someday we are going to face our God.  My religion shows me the right things from the wrong things.  I like it and I also love it.  Wow, if you don’t have religion in your life what would it look like?  I don’t know.  Sorry.”  ~ Maryam, 16-years-old

“I love my dad and mom.  I love to play football.  I love swimming in the sea.  I love dogs and cats.  I love to draw and play.  I love Nick and Sarah and Cherec.”  ~ Shams, 11-years-old
(I know, this response isn’t exactly on-topic, but she gets lots of bonus points from teachers Nick, Sarah and Cherec for that last line.  How could we not post it?)